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If you are one of the lucky shooters who own a SEB NEO-X front rest you may be looking for a way to lug it around the range – with all your other kit. Yes, the NEO-X has a handy carry-handle but that doesn’t protect it from the inevitable knocks and wettings you are sure to encounter.

As usual Seb is one step ahead – he’s just launched a new range bag specifically for your NEO-X.

As well as holding your folded NEO-X there is another small bag included. In the photograph below you can see the small bag is large enough to hold a few bits n bobs – I’ve got the NEO-X F Class feet in one compartment but there’s room for those other ‘essentials’ we all seem to accumulate.

There is also a large front pocket (below) which would be perfect for a pair of waterproofs, score card, pens or WHY.

Finally, you have the choice of a hand-carry straps or a shoulder strap.

As with all Seb’s products, the bag is exceedingly well made with heavy-duty zips and fastenings. It’s not cheap at £80 but then the best never is! Even if you don’t use a NEO, this is a handy size range bag. Contact Fox Firearms if you fancy one.


Brian Fox was also keep to show me a new priming tool.

Thirty years ago we all swore by the LEE Autoprime and a decent tool it was – until some well-meaning fool posted a video of a tray of primers igniting. I could never work out how he managed it – and had the video camera to hand – but it spelt the end of the Autoprime. LEE has had a couple of attempts at a replacement but I still prefer the old Autoprime!

In fact it’s not easy to find a decent ‘tray’ priming tool for reasonable money but it looks as though Brian may have found one. It’s exceedingly well made and comes with a full range of shell-holders and pins. I’ve handled it but I’ve not actually used it but if you’re in the market for a new priming tool it’s worth a look.


Another neat bit of kit that Fox are offering is this universal seating die. In our neverending quest for accuracy, more of us are realising that a die which will seat your bullet absolutely straight is essential. Benchresters get round the problem by using an arbor press and the Wilson hand-dies and although this is an option for any shooter it invoves the purchase of another press and a die for each cartridge.

For a conventional screw-in press, I’ve always been a fan of the Forster Benchrest seating die with the sliding sleeve. As an avid benchrest shooter I like to check my rounds for straightness and I know that the Forster is on a par with the Wilson and can be used in a ‘normal’ press (though please, use a good quality single stage press!)

Whereas the Forster is ‘cartridge specific’ (though you can purchase other sleeves) this new seater die includes a range of eight ‘sleeves’ to suit a range of popular cartridges. The RCBS Match Master seating die is similar but again, it’s cartridge specific. Seating depth can easily be varied with the ‘micrometer’ top and you’ve got one die which will hopefully cover most of your cartridges.

Again, contact Fox Firearms if you are interested.